I'd just like to write something about him, as my deep appreciation to him.
My friend, my brother, my soul mate, my supporter.
My love.
It's been a year 8 months and 21 days.
White side:
I can say he's really good at self-marketing. I don't know whether such theory is exist or not. But he is. He can position himself perfectly. He smoothly transfers from one to another character whenever I need. He is my boyfriend when I need to be loved, he is my friend when I need to share, he is my supporter when I need a shoulder, he is my soul mate who give me some parts of mine that i miss, though I also admit that he is my rival and enemy during the hard days-the days before and after my menstruation period! I say he is also a good listener. He listens to me even when I don't wanna share. He listens with his hug. Though sometimes of course he's really tired of my silence and gets angry. The thing is not his talk is important, but it is his behaviours that make me impressed.
I feel really secured when he's around. It's like I wouldn't be hurt by anything. I think what I really meant by secured is truly being myself. I started my relationship with a friendship, so I don't hide anything from him. I say what I wanna say, I dress how I wanna dress, I do what I wanna do. It's a freedom that I get. I am trusted, and It is really something in a relationship. Our relationship. I learn from him how not to be jealous. I learn how to simply love someone without being complicated.
He's also one of the smartest persons I've ever met in my life. He grew up with encyclopedias and news. He is crazy about history-war thingies- especially World War II. He said that that is the best war of all time! He knows about everything-I mean my standard of everything. He knows things, which for me are not important at all. One day when we were in the diesel train on the way to Düsseldorf, he asked me "do you know why is this train run by diesel engine?". Oh my god! I was thinking why should i know? And then of course he explained it, and what I cant believe is that I was listening! The other day, we were on a sort of romantic situation on the ship deck. We were on a boat party heading to
He counts every expense he has. Its good sometimes, but sometimes its just really tiring for me. He prefers to buy anything else but clothes! He prefers to have his clothes "imported" from
Well, you see that my boy is not a stylish person. He wears only something comfy for him, yeah, just like me. Simple and boring, jeans, polo shirt and t-shirt.
Well, its too long already. Not because its not worthwhile to write about him, but it's a blog not a book. I probably will spend the whole week to tell a story about him. But let me stop here and keep the rest for me.
It's just one part, the white side of him. Of course I will write the black side of him, why wont I? Then, I will keep you informed when I get the mood.
hehehe..so romantic ;p
lagi kangen ya put?? hihihihi
it's nice to have a guy that knows more than we do isn't it?..you 2 just match for each other..so take care..it's hard to find the perfect shoes..so don't waste it..
kangen lu put..hehehe..cepat pulang..oh n met puwasa..
kan udah gue bilangin...andy itu yellow pages berjalan, tapi sok tau...andy itu fetish kereta, dari dulu semua jg tau andy paling terangsang sama suara lokomotif, makanya dia seneng roompot deket rel kereta...emang andy itu jelek sekali sense of fashionnya, its in their bloodline....wah itu boot-cut jeans mantap berat padahal, pertama kali dia coba di depan gue sama indra, kita gak berenti ketawa...sayang dia gak mau pake lagi, gpp deh for the sake of humanity...jadi reasonable lah...liat aja bajunya, gak jauh2 dari giordano, dia di endorse for life...tapi untung ada lu put, sebelom ketemu lu parah bgt eating disordernya, kalo andy sampe makannya pelan2 berarti dia emang cinta sama lu...
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